Services aux vétérans

Veterans Services

Veteran Evaluation understands what an operational stress injury is, and offers a personalized service that respects the uniqueness of veterans, their condition and their situation. Our mission is to help them obtain the best possible administrative representation of your conditions.

our strength

Services designed to ensure the administrative representativeness of a condition

  • Does your service in the CAF or the RCMP still haunt you despite the passage of time? A psychological assessment is required for a first application to VAC, but you don’t know where to start? We’ll support you
  • Your psychological condition has worsened and you are undergoing a reassessment ? The healthcare professionals with whom we have service agreements will provide you with professional, fast and efficient service.
  • Think you qualify for the T2201 disability tax credit or the severe and prolonged impairment credit, but don’t have access to a health teacher authorized to fill out the forms? We can refer you, whether your functional limitations are physical or psychological
  • As part of your VAC procedures, a healthcare professional must complete a medical questionnaire? Your personalized file will facilitate his assessment and help him to establish a correlation between your condition and your service.
  • Do you get dizzy looking for information, reports and consultation notes in your departmental medical file? Are you worried about filling in an online form? We can support you, either face-to-face or remotely.
  • Does your service in the CAF or the RCMP still haunt you despite the passage of time? A psychological assessment is required for a first application to VAC, but you don’t know where to start? We’ll support you
  • Your psychological condition has worsened and you are undergoing a reassessment ? The healthcare professionals with whom we have service agreements will provide you with professional, fast and efficient service.
  • Think you qualify for the T2201 disability tax credit or the severe and prolonged impairment credit, but don’t have access to a health teacher authorized to fill out the forms? We can refer you, whether your functional limitations are physical or psychological
  • Does your service in the CAF or the RCMP still haunt you despite the passage of time? A psychological assessment is required for a first application to VAC, but you don’t know where to start? We’ll support you
  • Your psychological condition has worsened and you are undergoing a reassessment ? The healthcare professionals with whom we have service agreements will provide you with professional, fast and efficient service.
  • Think you qualify for the T2201 disability tax credit or the severe and prolonged impairment credit, but don’t have access to a health teacher authorized to fill out the forms? We can refer you, whether your functional limitations are physical or psychological

Make an appointment

Veterans of the Armed Forces and the RCMP are entitled to personalized support.

Click here to book an appointment



Have you been a member of the CAF or the RCMP, and despite the passage of time, memories haunt you and make you suffer in silence?

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Revaluation of a
psychological condition

Looking for an empathetic psychologist to reassess a VAC-recognized psychological or psychiatric condition?

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disability tax credit

Are you disabled by your service and do not have access to a health care professional authorized to complete the T2201 form?

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Do you need a VAC form filled out by a health professional who doesn't know you?

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a psychological condition

Are you looking for an empathetic and competent mental health professional to assess a psychological condition and complete the VAC Medical Questionnaire PEN6248 for you? 

You still have painful memories of your service in the CAF or the RCMP. You left the department hoping that time and distance would erase your malaise, and since then you’ve needed to make sense of the difficulties you’re experiencing. You may find it difficult to talk about your situation, whether you have other conditions recognized by VAC or not. You’re lost and don’t know where to start. You may not be aware that you could benefit from the services of Veterans Affairs Canada.

We are available to meet your needs every step of the way. No obligation, at your own pace.

It’s crucial that the diagnosis and disability percentage of your psychological condition reflect your actual condition. That way, you’ll be able to access programs and services to which you may be entitled more quickly, and avoid long and frustrating administrative battles in the future. The healthcare professionals with whom we have service agreements are competent and familiar with our services and missions. What’s more, they guarantee fast turnaround.

* If your situation requires immediate assistance, please call INFO-SOCIAL or INFO-SANTÉ at 811.

We’ll create your personalized file for the health care professional responsible for completing VAC’s medical questionnaire, using a simple, customized process. We’ll make sure he fully understands your situation, your service and the problems you face on a daily basis. We’ll be there for you every step of the way.

Our goal is to see you receive a diagnosis and disability percentage that truly reflects your injury and allows you to access available programs and services.

Let us help you


of a previously recognized psychological or psychiatric affection

Your psychological condition needs to be reassessed and you don’t have access to  a psychologist to complete VAC form PEN6248?

You have worked in the CAF or RCMP and have already been diagnosed with a psychological or psychiatric condition by the ACC. Do you have to undergo a reassessment for a psychological or psychiatric condition as part of your proceedings with Veterans Affairs Canada or the Veterans Review and Appeal Board?

The healthcare professionals with whom we have service agreements are competent and familiar with military service. What’s more, they guarantee fast turnaround. Look no further for an empathetic mental health professional who will reassess your condition.

* If your situation requires immediate assistance, please call INFO-SOCIAL or INFO-SANTÉ at 811.

We’ll put together a file that meets the requirements of the psychologist, who will assess you using a simple, personalized process. Above all, we’ll make sure he understands your situation: our job is to send him an “armored” file so that he can provide medical information representative of your condition.

Let us help you

tax credit

T2201 disability tax credit and credit for severe and prolonged impairment

You’ve heard about the T2201 disability tax credit and the severe and prolonged impairment tax credit, and you’re wondering if you’re eligible too? You could recover thousands of dollars in overpaid taxes! You could recover thousands of dollars in overpaid taxes!

Your percentage of disability, as indicated on your VAC Assessment Summary, and the nature of your functional limitations are good benchmarks for determining whether you may qualify.

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and Revenu Québec determine the grant based on the judgment of the health professional authorized to complete their respective forms and the information recorded on them.

To submit a claim to CRA and/or Revenu Québec, simply ask your authorized treating health professional to complete the form. This is the simplest and most economical method.

You don’t have access to a qualified healthcare professional to fill it out? We can help.

Évaluation Vétéran works with health specialists who, upon receipt of a referral package (included) and subject to their availability, assess veterans for their application for the T2201 disability tax credit and the  tax credit for severe and prolonged impairment (Quebec) (certain conditions apply).

Let us help you

Personalized file

tailored to your needs

You will soon be assessed by Veterans Affairs Canada or the Veterans Review and Appeal Board, and you want to be sure that the health care professional who assesses you understands your situation and your disability? We can help.

When a healthcare professional performs an assessment as part of your administrative procedures, it is essential that he or she understands the context of your claim, as well as your medical and military history as it relates to the condition being assessed.

We’ll prepare a document for them that will make their job easier and help you get results that reflect your situation.

By presenting your personalized file, the health care professional will have all the documentation and facts relevant to the assessment he or she needs to complete. You do not have the patience to go through your VAC papers? We will do it for you and scan all your documents on site!

Let us help you